
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Cookies for My Orthodontist

I have some good news.  Well, for me at least.  I can now eat popcorn and nuts.  I know, that doesn't sound that great, but I also have the pleasure of no longer having the inside of my lips cut up all the time.  Yes, I got my braces off today!  Just over a year and a half ago I made the decision to put myself through braces because I was told it might get rid of my TMJ.  And now my TMJ symptoms are pretty much gone, and a nice side effect is that my teeth are straighter too. 

I bought tooth and toothbrush cookie cutters awhile ago intending to make my orthodontist some cookies once the braces came off, and that day has finally come!  My orthodontist and TMJ specialist have been so nice and taken such good care of me that I needed to reward them with sweets.

This was my first try at using my kopykake for writing and it worked beautifully!  I was afraid it would be tricky, but I thought it looked great, or at least better than I could have done freehand.  I definitely won't stress out in the future if anyone asks for something written on a cookie.


  1. A toothbrush that causes cavities, how ironic!

  2. Congrats on getting your braces off!
    The cookies are super-cute. :-)
